Repay with Collateral

How do I repay with collateral?

1) Go to “Dashboard” page, select the asset that you want to repay and click “Repay”

2) On the "Repay" modal, you have 2 options to repay your debt: using tokens from your wallet, or using your collateral on Tectonic.

To repay using the latter, click on the "Repay with collateral" tab

3) Select the amount you want to repay, and select which collateral you want to use to repay your debt.

You can choose to repay your loans fully or partially. After inputting the repayment amount, you will see your new borrow and collateral balance and LTV

4) Once ready, click “Repay”, and confirm your transaction on your Wallet

5) Upon successful confirmation, you would have successfully repaid your loan


  • You also have the option to choose/customise the slippage tolerance for the swap on VVS Finance:

Last updated